When we were putting the electrical into the greenhouse, my husband asked me if I wanted a hanging light. Um…yeah. But I don’t need electrical […]
From green house to greenhouse
Even before we started building the house, I knew “we” needed to have a greenhouse somewhere on the property. At first I thought we could […]
Finishing touches
We made a lot of progress inside during the wet months (all 9 of them) and just had a handful of things to finish up […]
Magnetic Qualities
Pinterest is just so lovely…and full of ideas that I must try. So naturally, I’ve come up with a long list of projects in my […]
A finished kitchen…almost three years in the making
So many plans When we built the house, I had so many plans that we needed to finish up because 1) our builders basically gave […]
Double trouble
When I was a little girl, I loved kitties so much and constantly begged my mom to get me one. Just one little kitty. Preferably […]