Little Adventures

We’ve been here a little over a month now and have done a little bit of venturing out. Unfortunately between work and school and the rain, there’s only so much time. Back before Halloween, we checked out the local pumpkin patch. There was a huge corn maze, a petting zoo, train ride, and lots of green and rotten pumpkins. But we had a great small town experience!


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Complete with train ride!


And goats! This one was about 6 months old and was pretty darn cute. Mason really wants a goat now.


We’ve also been slowly exploring Vancouver and the plentitude of restaurants in that area.


We definitely need to start exploring downtown Portland and everything it has to offer. It might be easier to do when it’s not raining though so that we can just park and walk around. Matthew did have a field trip the other week to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)…but he didn’t take any pictures and is too cool to tell me all about it.

We did find a glorious rain-free Sunday to check out the Oregon Zoo though! Tickets were totally reasonable and we got there early enough that parking wasn’t an issue at all.


We really liked the layout of the zoo…everyone pretty much walked through in the same direction through the one big loop.Mason was the map keeper and navigator and did an excellent job making sure that we saw everything. Some things we even saw twice!


Most of the animals were out…even if they were sleeping.

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This guy right decided he wanted someone’s sleeping spot though and actually pushed her out of the way to move over. Rood.


Then there were lots of animals out and about. We were able to watch the elephants go from one end of their HUGE compound to the other end for lunch. It was really nice to see just how much room these animals had.

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We spent a good couple of hours walking through the park and will definitely be back there again!


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The ins and outs of slowing down...

Sat Dec 31 , 2016
Less Busy…Everywhere When we lived in California, we used to either make an appointment at the DMV and only wait a little while. Or on […]